• Lite (Free)

    ✅ Connect TikTok or Instagram Account

    ✅ Create Live Feed

    ✅ Add feed to your store’s homepage

    ✅ Display 8 posts per feed

    ✅ Live Chat support

    Try Now 
  • Basic ($9.99/month)

    ✅ Lite features+

    ✅ Tag Products

    ✅ Connect TikTok & Instagram

    ✅ Static & Live Feeds on any page

    ✅ Autoplay videos on hover

    ✅ Display 16 posts per feed

    Try Free 
  • Pro ($29.99/month)

    ✅ Basic features+

    ✅ Smart Product Feeds

    ✅ Add TikTok UGC to Feeds

    ✅ Display unlimited posts per feed (Load More button)

    ✅ Priority Support

    Try Free 
  • Enterprise ($99.99/month)

    ✅ Pro features+

    ✅ Custom code injections for feeds

    ✅ Priority TikTok/Instagram content syncing

    ✅ Custom implementation support

    Try Free